Doggie Defense Class
Have you ever witnessed or thought about if while walking your dog, or perhaps even when your dog is in your yard, an off-leash dog or wild animal like a coyote or snake, quickly approaches and attempts to bite or injure your pooch? Or perhaps you’ve been to a dog park and watched two dogs physically go at each other. Would you know what to do if this happened to you and your dog. Would you know how to keep yourself and your pooch safe? This 2-hour seminar helps you prepare for an emergency before it ever happens. You will learn how to help defend your pooch and how to respond in an immediate fashion if they are hurt. You will learn how to properly plan for and respond to a medical injury to your dog. Once you have attended this class you will receive a certificate of completion.
Two workshop times are available: Saturday Sept 22, 2018 10am -12:30pm OR 2:30 -5pm
Register here: https://www.poochparamedic.com/register-for-a-class/09-22-18-morning-barkingham-pet-hotel
***A portion of net proceeds will be donated to California Paws Rescue***