The Coachella Valley pet community will soon have a peaceful space to memorialize the pets they’ve lost. On September 26, 2017 the Board of Directors of the Pet Memorial Park Cemetery (PMPC) hosted the official kick-off party for “Your Pet’s Forever Playground.” The new pet cemetery is focused on officially opening in late 2018.
Acting Executive Director Kathleen Jurasky welcomed the crowd along with Board President Lenny Pepper and unveiled the master plan for the pet cemetery to over 100 guests who attended this long awaited event. The master plan revealed pet inspired art installations, reflective desert landscape and meaningful mosaics. Ron Gregory, the project’s landscape architect was also in attendance and described the plans in progress.

The Pet Memorial Park Cemetery is located on land officially designated by the Palm Springs Cemetery District in Cathedral City. Among the services they plan to offer is a preneed program offering an opportunity for persons to purchase a burial site in advance, with no interest fee for the service.

Many prominent community members were in attendance to express their support and anticipation, including Shelley Kaplan, Cathedral City Council Member; Alan Carvalho, Chairman of the Cathedral City Public Arts; Iris Smotrich, Rancho Mirage City Councilwoman; Glenn A. Miller representing CA Senator Jeff Stone, 28th Senate District, artists Karen and Tony Barone and Patrick Evans of CBS Local 2. All expressed great support and anticipation of the new memorial park.

The crowd was entertained by local songstress Keisha and the Woody’s food truck was there serving home made burgers, courtesy of owner Woody’s Palm House owner, Wayne “Woody” Woodliff.
An official statement by the PMPC states, “The new memorial park recognizes that pets fill an important role in our lives, and this project offers an opportunity for a lasting memorial to your beloved pets offering peace of mind and comfort.”
Attendees of the event echoed these sentiments. “For Cathedral City to provide a memorial park is a milestone in our community,” said attendee Jim Dunn.
Rocky Randall, a desert resident added, “The concept of this loving, dignified resting place for one’s beloved pet in Cathedral City is a testament to how important this Memorial Park is. I was impressed with the desert inspired mural and the mosaic wall of love with individual containers for one’s cherished pet. We owe our animals something very special for the love and loyalty they bring to our lives.”

The next step in making this vision a reality is raising the required funding. Opportunities include purchasing a walkway brick, memorial tile, or bench as well as larger addition including a pet drinking fountain, the signature mosaic cremation niche wall, and a military/service/public safety dog burial section.
For more de “tails” visit the website at, email or call the PMPC directly at (760) 328-3316.